What is Personal Development?

personal development

Personal development will mean different thing to different people certainly. But we will try to define it in a way that will be mostly acceptable. Personal development refers to all the steps taken by an individual to better their life. the key areas that a focus on personal development will greatly improve are: your self-esteem, self-awareness, skills and fulfillment.

There are five key areas we shall be discussing in this article of personal development. They are:

  • Mental
  • Social
  • Spiritual
  • Emotional
  • Physical

Mental fitness is paramount in the goal of achieving personal development. You can get involved in workshops, trainings and rest more. Your resiliency and self-awareness will improve as you begin to improve on your mental fitness as well.

Since humans are social creatures, being social with other humans has a key role to play in our personal development. We need to connect with each other and learn from one another as well. Some of the important skills you will learn from social interaction include communication skills, emotional intelligence, relationship building, etc.

To be spiritual is far from being religious. Your spiritual growth refers to understanding of your self in a deeper form. It helps you to know your strengths, weaknesses, and the values and principles you should uphold in your daily life.


This aspects deals with feelings. Another name for it is emotional intelligence. Someone with a very high emotional intelligence is one that understands feelings to a greater extent. This is an aspect that will aid you in maintaining a very healthy relationship with other humans.


After all has been said and done, your physical well being is extremely important. Your body is the vessel that houses your mental, and emotional being. Things you can do to improve your physical being include: eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, sleep well and move more.

I want to believe that with all that you have read so far, you now have a clear gasp of what personal development is. Share this article and if you have any contribution, feel free to share in comment session. Thanks.

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